Știrile zilei – 28 noiembrie 2024
Roz . Castel . Brunetă . Roșcată . Roșcată . Șatenă . Brunetă . Galben .
Brunetă . Datoria externă a ajuns la 54% din PIB Cineva trebuie să
plătească oa...
Acum o oră
Un comentariu :
I am afraid I shal have to write this in English. I learned to speak Romanian in the 1980'es,and spoke the languge when I visited Romania and Soviet Moldavia in the 80'es and 90'es. I am no longer a speaker or writer of Romanian, except when I talk to Romanian beggars here in Oslo where I live.
The reason for this commentary is that in 1994 I was interviewed and caricatured by Romulus Scarlat. The interview was published in "Scorpionul International -- Revista de opinie, satira si umor". I stillremember I am 90 years old ...) that Romulus sent me a copy of the interview (and caricature). I have mislaid the copy, but, fortunately I scanned the caricature. If you should like to have a copy of this caricature, I can send it as an email to you, if you give me your email-address.
Yours faithfully, Knut E. Sparre (My email address is ke@sparre.no)
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